There are many things that impact our minds, bodies, and spirits including our thoughts, environments, eating and sleeping habits, actions, and beliefs. Vibrations First Everything that exists, has a vibration that vibrates at different frequencies. Experts say that certain frequencies can repel ...
Hack The Burnout
For ambitious women, burnout is a real risk. Recent research found that working women are more likely to experience career burnout than men and many of these women are using temporary fixes to a career-long issue. So while engaging in housework or doing Pilates might ease the pressures of career stress for a ...
The Every Day Goddess
Transform your life with these 7 principles There are seven simple steps you can take to completely transform your life. These seven principles are profound tools that you can practice every day. 1. Just take a deep breath & let it go Not just a simple deep breath but intentional breathing that keeps you in the ...
Daily Meditation
Burnout has become such a common issue that the World Health Organization reports it an occupational phenomena that includes a host of mental health challenges. Some of the strongest, most ambitious women can experience burnout because it happens gradually, as we tackle project after project, not realizing how ...
Benefits Of A Cold Shower
When it comes to having a healthy work/life balance, there are a number of hacks you can incorporate seamlessly into your routine that may surprise you. One such hack is the cold shower! You've likely heard of ice plunges where people across the globe dive into icy waters. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that extreme ...
Gratitude Practice
Having gratitude every day, is an important part of having a fulfilling life. Even if you hit a snag (which happens to us all) gratitude is the tool that helps you stay grounded and focused. Researchers have found over and over that people who live with gratitude, experience a better sense of well-being. ...
How To Stay Balanced When Working From Home
There are some entertaining memes circulating on social media that allude to the challenges of being quarantined with partners and families, while trying to work from home. Of course, most are intended to elicit a chuckle but the reality is: there certainly are challenges that we face when our work environment changes ...
Your Chakras: Honoring Your Energy Centers
We all have Chakras: special centers in our bodies that absorb and emit different energies depending on how we nourish them. Each of the seven Chakras in our bodies serve different aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing in different ways. If you are feeling out of balance — experiencing ...