Diet, Lifestyle, and Health Concerns Survey - Step 1 of 6Name *FirstLastEmail *ALL RESPONSES REMAIN STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALSECTION 1: How many servings per week do you eat/drink?COFFEE, 1 cup, 8 oz serving1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkSODA (sweetened), 1 can, 12 oz *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkSODA (sugar free), 1 can, 12 oz serving *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkALCOHOL, Beer 12 oz, Wine 3 oz, Spirits 1 oz serving *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkSPORT OR ENERGY DRINKS, 1 cup, 8 oz *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkSUGAR SUBSTITUTES (Splenda, Sweet-n- Low, Equal, diet) 1 packet or 1 tsp *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkCHIPS, CRACKERS 1 oz, small handful *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkCOOKIES, PASTRIES, 3 oz, palm-sized cookie or medium-sized pastry *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkBREAD, BAGELS, PASTA (not whole grain), 1 slice, half bagel, or 1 cup serving *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkCOMMERCIAL EGGS, EGG PRODUCTS, 1 egg or equivalent in ‘egg beater’ serving *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkCOMMERCIAL DAIRY PRODUCTS (cow), 1 cup milk/yogurt, 1 oz cheese, 1 tsp butter serving *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkCOMMERCIAL MEAT, FARMED OR CANNED FISH, FAST FOOD, 3 oz, palm- sized serving *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkNextSECTION 2: How many servings per week do you eat/drink?WATER, 1 glass *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk8 oz cupTEA, 1 cup *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk8 oz serving, black, green, or herbalFRESH FRUIT *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1 medium-sized piece or half cupLEAFY VEGETABLES *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1 cup serving, (lettuce, spinach, kale, collard greens, etc)NUTS, SEEDS, NUT/SEED BUTTERS *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1 oz, small handful serving, (almonds, sunflower, tahini, etc.)STARCHY & CRUNCHY VEGETABLES *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1/2 cup serving, (root vegetables, celery, carrots, etc.)BEANS, LEGUMES *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk6 oz cooked serving, (lentils, black beans, tofu, tempeh, etc.)WHOLE GRAINS *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1/2 cup cooked serving, (brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, etc.)HERBS, SPICES *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1/2 tsp serving (basil, thyme, garlic, ginger, etc.)ORGANIC EGGS *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wkfree range, 1 egg servingORGANIC DAIRY, (sheep, goat, cow) *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk1 cup milk, 1 oz cheese, 1 tsp butter servingORGANIC MEAT, WILD FISH *1. 0-2/wk2. 3-4/wk3. 5-7/wk4. 8-14/wk5. More than 14/wk3 oz servingPreviousNextSection 3: How often do you:(never) 1 2 3 4 5 (always)Overeat when excited, stressed, or sad: *12345Take less than 10 min for each meal: *12345Eat restaurant or take-out food: *12345Eat while driving, working, or at computer: *12345Work more than 10 hours per day: *12345Watch TV/computer for entertainment 2 hrs/day: *12345Smoke cigarettes daily: *12345Sleep less than 7 hours per night: *12345Section 3 Total:Add up the numbers you answered with from this section.PreviousNextSection 4: How often do you: (copy)(never) 1 2 3 4 5 (always)Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly: *12345Do cardio exercise 30 min (walk, run, bike, dance, etc.): *12345Stretch and/or do yoga: *12345Do strength training (weights, Pilates): *12345Spend quality time with family & friends: *12345Relax and/or meditate: *12345Have adequate emotional support: *12345Enjoy a hobby, arts, music, reading, or free time: *12345Section 4 Total:Add up the numbers you answered with from this section.PreviousNextSection 5: How affected are you by:(not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 (highly affected)Fatigue or low energy: *12345Mood disturbance: *12345Weight issues: *12345Pain and/or inflammation: *12345Sleep issues: *12345Digestion issues: *12345Lack of mental clarity: *12345Low productivity: *12345Female or male issues: *12345Family or relationship issues: *12345Section 5 Total:Add up the numbers you answered with from this section.PreviousNextSection 6(not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 (highly)Are you committed to healthy diet and lifestyle changes? *12345Are you interested in classes? *12345Are you interested in one on-one- counseling? *12345Section 6 Total:Add up the numbers you answered with from this section.Please describe your health goals: *NameSubmit